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Free Palestine's letter to the:

Government of the State of
Att. President Abbas
East Jerusalem

Zurich August, 28, 2013

FP 1. Januar 2015

Dear Mr Abbas

I'm writing to you on behalf of Free Palestine in Zurich. I would like, without being too bold, to share some thoughts with you on our common political goals- to wit, the foundation of a Palestinian State as sanctioned by International Law. During the various rallies and demonstrations which we hold here in Zurich, we invariably encounter a barrage of lies and outrageous falsehoods which are a consequence of much of Israel’s propaganda disseminated both here in Europe and the USA.

I am sure that you would be the first to agree that an aggressive and honourable riposte to State of Israel’s childish, but effective propaganda, would be a consummation devoutly to be wished- and a good thing itself.

Whilst the academic literature exposing State of Israel’s tedious lies is substantial, there is, I feel, a dire need for a far more exacting campaign of “truth telling” which would be honest, upright and faithful to the justifiable demands of the Palestinian peoples. In light of this I am appending a few suggestions which you may indeed wish to consider. I do so not with the intention of instructing the Palestinians on how to conduct their nationalist struggle-and heaven knows it would be ridiculous, to say the least, for a foreigner like myself to “micro manage” the struggles of an oppressed people-rather, my actions are guided and informed by the most fundamental human instincts of fellowship and decency.


May we point out some examples of Israeli hasbara which we encounter:

1) “The Palestinian didn't accept General Assembly Resolution181 instead they attacked the peace seeking State of Israel!”

2) “That the Palestinians refuse to recognise Israel as a Jewish state is proof enough that they don’t wish us to exist."

3) “As we Israelis ceaselessly seek peace we are- to that end- willing to renounce part of our ancestral lands in Judea and Samaria.”

4) “The 67 borders are not defensible”

5) “Hamas in its charter seeks to destroy Israel and desires to kill all the Jews”

6) “The Palestinians insist on the RoR in order to destroy us.”

Possible answers:

1) The Palestinians opposed this Resolution and demanded that its legality be judged in the International Court of Justice . This did not take place.

Instead the fledging State of IsraeI, in early December 1947, engaged in ethnic cleansing. On 10. March 1948 “Plan Dalet” was adopted which resulted in the expulsion of 250'000 Palestinians-by the time the State of Israel was founded. At the end of April 1948 the Arab League decided to intervene militarily.

2) The PNC formally recognized the State of Israel in Algiers on November 1988- in exactly the same fashion as the UN or the US does.

On the Demand that Palestine must recognize Israel as a Jewish State:

Mr Peres rejected Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state. "I don't need to define the nature of the Palestinian state and they don't need to recognize our nature. It's undisputed," he said. Link→

Additionally, this demand has not been placed on either mentioning that this Jordan or Egypt

3) Using the “2% map” to show that the Palestinians are reasonable in their desire for their state.

Explaining the consequences for Palestinians if Israel were indeed to annex the settlement blocs.

Presenting the new EU guide lines or the ICJ ruling from 2004 where the Green Line is implicitly defined as the borders of Palestine.

4) Former Mossad chief Dagan: "IDF can protect Israel from any border". Link→

5) Not negating this fact is important but at the same time, explaining the history of this charter and mentioning the willingness of Hamas to accept a solution based on what the government of Palestine has laid out.

Hinting at the Likud charter with its Greater Israel fantasies!

6) Presenting a fair and feasible proposal in accordance with the Arab Peace Initiative.

How to achieve these goals:

1) Some thought ought to be given to appointing a professional communication agency, preferable a Western one which is sensitive to European and American public.

2) Whilst a classic advertising campaign in major media outlets would no doubt be rather dear, this would be mitigated by the publicity provided by some US and European broadsheets like the NY Times. It is very rare to find any sort of publicity in the corporate media, ranging from bill boards to TV, clearly and succinctly outlining the plight of the Palestinians, the ruthless and bloody occupation under which they live and their more than justifiable demands. I believe you would agree with me that one oughtn’t under estimate the value of a concerted advertising campaign – especially if it is conducted humanely and in good taste.

3) Engaging in an appropriated way in social media.


The objective in applying this strategy clearly suggests itself. It would have the merit of avoiding filters of the corporate media- even though such outlets have their value- and would provide a strong platform for Palestinians and their supporters in presenting a clear and honest view of their goals.

If handled well this would result in brining enormous pressure to bear on European governments and perhaps the same might obtain in the US. In addition such a program would thwart attempts by Israel and the US to engage in what they have in the past : place the blame squarely on the Palestinians in a case of a failure of “Peace Negotiations”

Finally a quote from President Roosevelt in 1932 which applies governments in the West: "I agree with you, I want to do it, now make me do it."

In solidarity
Free Palestine
Arun Varma
Dominique von Burg
Heidi Scheuring
Shaker al-JAYYOUSI
Ruedi Bosshart