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How to Solve the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict: Reality, Human Rights and International Law

Norman Finkelstein has been speaking on this topic in recent months at both North American and European Universities. As always, Norman Finkelstein applies International Law as his foundation.

Norman Finkelstein rigorously lays out the reasons why any response to Israel must be on the basis of International Law and Rights.

In addition, Professor Finkelstein’s approach is underscored by his political recognition of the lessons to be learned from Mahatma Gandhi, which he believes are of overarching importance to gain public opinion.

Of equal interest is his comparison between Mahatma Gandhi and the Hamas. Ghandi recognized Pakistan as a fact, but did not want to accept the State. this position can be compared with the position that Hamas holds with regard to Israel.(01:41:00)

To the surprise of many, Norman Finkelstein has called the areas effectively built over by the West Bank Settlements as consisting of a mere 1% of the land. Using the 2% map (pdf) from the year 2008, he shows how a Palestinian State capable of survival can be realised in which more than 300,000 settlers (63% of all settlers) can remain in Israel with a land exchange of 2%. The remaining 200,000 settlers would have to be evacuated, which may appear at first sight to be impossible, but no longer impossible upon re-thinking it.

More than 85% of the settlers would leave the West Bank, given suitable compensation, and settle in Israel itself. Norman Finkelstein estimates the settlers who would resist evacuation with violence at perhaps five to ten thousand and quotes the former director of the Israeli domestic secret service (Shin Bet) Abraham Shalom, using the example of Hebron, with the following words: We tell the settlers that they can stay, but that we, the Army, are going to pull back! Abraham Shalom continues: “And we will see how quickly they run!” (01:44:44) FP 31. März. 2012
See video→

Norman Finkelstein from Stuart Platt on Vimeo.